My ultimate goal is to get you consistently profitable as a trader — you shouldn’t need on-going coaching if I’m doing my job properly.

You are the hero of your story and I’m nothing other than your guide for when things get tough.

There will be times where expert advice can help shortcut learning curves, this is where my coaching can help.

You may just need a quick convo to get you on your way or a short-term accountability relationship to build momentum.

Book your first session to start the relationship and if you’d like on-going coaching then we’ll chat about what that looks like at the end of our call.


Initial Session:

Let’s have a call!

Sometimes, you just need a professional to offer perspective at a fork in the road or when the cloud of confusion is too thick to see beyond. I’d love to help.

Having an agenda and goal for our session will help us make the most of our time together. Here are some suggestions:

I’d like to…

  • Tell my story and get feedback on my overall direction.

  • Solidify the Rockstarr strategy.

  • Show you my trading journal and help me find where I'm going wrong.

  • Walk through my mindset and help me overcome some challenges.

  • Get feedback on where I'm at and how to make it better.

  • Pick your brain with a list of questions. 

If you have other ideas, I'm open to them! Just make sure that 50 minutes is enough time to cover your topic.

PRICE: $250

Note: I have limited availability for coaching calls. If you can’t make these times, please message me at [email protected] and we can chat it out.

Schedule Now